Disclosure Policy
1Standards for information disclosure
ARUHI discloses information to its shareholders and investors in accordance with relevant laws and regulations including the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities (Timely Disclosure Rules).
ARUHI also proactively discloses additional information that does not fall within the scope of the Timely Disclosure Rules or other laws and regulations but is deemed useful or important for shareholders and investors to better understand ARUHI’s business.
2Method of disclosure
Where the Timely Disclosure Rules apply, information is disclosed through the Tokyo Stock Exchange's timely disclosure network (TDnet) and is shared on ARUHI's website without delay.
Information that does not require timely disclosure is also disclosed appropriately, accurately, and fairly in the light of the intent of the Timely Disclosure Rules.
3Prevention of insider trading
ARUHI has internal insider trading rules in place to appropriately manage material facts and inside information and prevent insider trading.
The company also educates its executives and employees to ensure that insider information is managed appropriately.
4Quiet period
To prevent leaks of earnings information (including quarterly earnings) and ensure fair disclosure, ARUHI observes a quiet period that extends from the day following the end of a fiscal period to the day of an earnings announcement. During this quiet period, the company does not answer questions or make comments relating to earnings or earnings forecasts. However, if its earnings forecast is expected to fluctuate significantly during this quiet period, an announcement is made as appropriate in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.
5Earnings forecasts
Earnings forecasts disclosed by ARUHI are based on the reasonable judgment that ARUHI makes using information available to the company at the time of disclosure, and such information involves risks and uncertainties. This may differ materially from actual results due to changes in internal and external environments and other factors.