Sustainable finance
SBI ARUHI contributes to realize a sustainable society by enabling mutual growth of the society and the company, connecting our social and environmental initiatives with our business strategy to attain our Materiality of our priority management theme.
We procure funds for these initiatives through sustainable finance.
Issuance of Green RMBS
SBI ARUHI issued the first Green RMBS (*1*2) in Japan, procuring funds for ”ARUHI Super Flat (*3)” loans for residential properties that satisfy the “technical standards on energy saving.”
Furthermore, SBI ARUHI has established the uses of funds procured through Green RMBS and mechanisms and management systems for procuring funds as the ARUHI Green Finance Framework. The framework was assessed by the Japan Credit Rating Agency as conforming to Green Bond Principles (2018), Green Bond Guidelines (2017) and Green Loan Principles, and received an overall evaluation of “Green 1 (F)”, which is the highest evaluation.
- ※1 See the “Domestic Issuance List” of “Green Loans on the Green Finance Portal” operated by the Ministry of the Environment. (
- ※2 RMBS is an abbreviation of Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities. Refers to securities issued with the backing of residential loan claims. Green RMBS refer to those issued with housing loans for acquiring properties expected to have a high environmental improvement effect as the underlying assets.
- ※3 ”ARUHI Super Flat” is an original SBI ARUHI product using the housing loan insurance (for guarantee program) system (Flat 35 (Guarantee Program)) in which “the Japan Housing Finance Agency paying an insurance claim to a private-sector financial institution when a customer is unable to repay a housing loan provided by a private-sector financial institution.”
Defining Sustainable Finance Framework
SBI ARUHI has defined Materiality based on our Basic Sustainability Policy to connect our social and environmental endeavors with business strategies, and ultimately with the growth of both society and our company. In its social efforts, SBI ARUHI suggests and aims to enable a satisfying and sustainable lifestyle suited to each individual. In its environmental efforts, SBI ARUHI aims to build a stock-based circular society. To provide a broad array of products and services in this initiative, SBI ARUHI has defined Sustainable Finance Framework.
The Framework specifies the use of procurment funds, project evaluation and selection process, procurement fund management, reporting, and other matters. Developed in accordance with relevant principles including the Green Bond Principles (GBP) 2021 and Social Bond Principles (SBP) 2021 defined by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), this Framework has been rated for conformity to these principles by a second opinion from Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I).